What is the CDTI and how has it helped the Abiplex 2.0 Project?

When we start a new project, we do it with the hope of growth. Our desire, love and dedication go to constantly improve, a commitment that we follow to the letter in Ability Graphic Design.

Obviously, help is invaluable when it comes to doing big things, and we thank CDTI for supporting industries to be better day by day.

What is Abiplex 2.0?

One of our star products is our Abiplex material, an innovative cardboard made of vegetable raw materials. Its production is entirely in Spain and is designed for the production of quality displays and advertising material.

It is an eco-friendly material because it is biodegradable, it is also ecological because it is made from recycled cardboard and paper and recyclable by itself. It is also an economical material that allows to save costs in its transport because it is foldable and resistant.

The Abiplex 2.0 project has developed a new range of corrugated cardboard panels with functional properties that enable their application in more demanding markets. This is a function of the current ABIPLEX material, incorporating surface finishing technologies and even considering the use of new materials of a rigid nature in its structure.

With Abiplex 2.0 we are going one step further.

What is the CDTI and how has it helped the Abiplex 2.0 Project?

The CDTI is a Public Business Entity under the Ministry of Science and Innovation, which promotes innovation and technological development of Spanish companies. It is the entity that channels applications for aid and support to R&D&i projects of Spanish companies at the national and international levels. Thus, the objective of the CDTI is to contribute to the improvement of the technological level of Spanish companies.

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In our case, the aid received for the development of the project, co-financed by European Union funds, represents approximately 85% of the total estimated budget for the Abiplex 2.0 project.

Without any doubt, this is an invaluable boost for Ability Graphic Design, but also, to improve the level of sectoral innovation and business competitiveness. If companies grow, we all grow.

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